
Here's a checklist of topics for P2, resources for all of these follow the list.

1.  Classroom instructions
2.  Praise
3.  The Register
4.  Conversational vocabulary (re-cap from P1): saying your name, how you are and key "getting by vocab." (hello, goodbye, please, thank you)
5.  Numbers 0-20
6.  Giving your age
7.  Days of the week and months of the year (P1 re-cap)
8.  Culture: Seasons.  Spring (focus on Easter).  Winter (focus on Christmas)
9.  Animals
10.  Animals: the Tortoise and the Hare
11. Story: Ours Brun, Dis-Moi (Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Eric Carle)
12.  Song: Old MacDonald

1.  Classroom instructions
The hope is to build up pupils' exposure to and understanding of French classroom instructions as they travel up the schoolThe P1 classroom instructions (to be found under the P1 tab at the top of the homepage) would therefore be used with the addition of the list below. In P2, there is a greater focus on instructions to do with movement, which would fit in well with P.E and outdoor activities.  As with P1, build up the instructions at your and your own classes' pace.

P2 Classroom Language

10 minute lesson ideas
a.  Jacques a dit - Simon says.  Play Simon Says in French - Jacques a dit to help consolidate classroom instructions. 

b.  Build these instructions into the school day gradually so that they become part of the day-today class routine.

2.  Praise

You will receive a Praise poster to display in the your classroom.  Below is a grid with a bank of different praise phrases and their pronunciation:

Well done!
Good work!
Very good!
Good effort!
Good try!

3.  The Register

Below is a table with key vocabulary:

The register
Present! (boy)
Present! (girl)
That’s me!
I’m here!
Yes Miss/Sir!

4.  Conversational vocabulary (re-cap from P1)

Please (to teacher)
Please (to friend and classmate)
Thank you
See you later
What is your name?
My name is…
Your name is…

How are you?
Very good
So so
And you?

10 minute lesson ideas 

a.  Who said that to revise key "getting by vocabulary" - hello, goodbye, please, thank you?  
  • A pupil sits with their back to the class.  
  • Someone in the class has to say one of the key conversational bits of vocab: "bonjour", "au revoir", "s'il te plaît", "merci". 
  • If the person with their back to the class guesses correctly, they swap places with that person. 
b.  "Je m'appelle La Reine Victoria" "My name is Queen Victoria" to revise "my name is...."
  • Similar to the game above.
  • Pupils form a line at the back of the class and one pupil stands at the front of the class with their back to everyone else.  
  • The teacher points to a pupil at the back of the class.  They say "Je m'appelle La Reine Victoria" in a funny voice.
  • If the pupil at the front guesses correctly, they swap places.  Funny if you can sneak the odd guest teacher in for this too, we've had a head teacher take part!
5.  Numbers 1-31

Number sound files: 

10 minute lesson ideas

a.  Fizz Buzz.  You sit when the teacher says an odd number and stand when they say an even number.

b.  Number Dash.  Best done in the gym hall and a good P.E warm-up.  
  • You put the numbers up along one wall.  
  • Form two teams and pairs then race against each other to the other side of the room to touch the number you (or a pupil) call out.  
  • Whoever gets there first wins a point for their team.

c.  Dice sums.  
  • Dice Resource
  • Using the talking interactive Dice on the resource above, invite two pupils up to roll the dice.  
  • The teacher (or a pupil) then adds a +, -, x or ÷ sign and pupils do the sum
  • Pupils could do this exercise as a competition (two sides of the class against each other), as a quiet, whole class exercise or the whiteboard could be used as a station as part of a carousel lesson.
d.  Hide and seek.  
  • A pupil leaves the classroom.  
  • You hide an object and the pupil then returns.  
  • The rest of the class then chants the numbers (either 1-10 or 11-20), getting louder according to how close (warm) they get to finding the object and getting quieter according to how far (cold) they are.  
  • You could use an object relevant to the topic you are studying.

e.  Numbers 1-20 song.

f. Répondez en français (answer in French)
  • When working on maths in English, give pupils the option of answering in French.  
  • The rest of the class can then shout out the French answer in English (just to check everyone is listening)! 
g.  Addition and Subtraction lotto
  • Pupils have a whiteboard each.  
  • They write five numbers on it between 1-20
  • The teacher or class volunteer shouts out sums in French, e.g:
    • 5 + 5 (cinq plus cinq)
    • 17-7 (dix-sept moins sept)
  • Pupils have to calculate the answer to the sum
  • If they have that answer on their whiteboard, they circle it.
  • First person to circle all five correctly, jumps up and shouts "Lotto"

For further ideas, see also the numbers games under the P1 tab.

6. Giving your age

10 minute lesson ideas

a.  Rythmic chant.  Youtube video to help to introduce the new vocabulary.


 b.  Class Conversation
  • Using écoutez et répétez (listen and repeat), teach pupils the new language.  
  • Powerpoint with new language.
  • Give pupils a number (un(e) or deux)
  • They make two rows at the front of the class, an "un(e)" facing a "deux"
  • They ask the person opposite them how old they are, this person asks them and then asks them the same question back.
  • The number one person at the end of the row then casts off and goes to the bottom of the line.  Pupils shuffle up a place.
  • Keep repeating so that pupils practise with lots of different people until they feel confident.  
  • You can be in the middle of one of the rows taking part or circulate, listening to pupils' answers.
  • Build up the conversation to include a greeting, pupils asking each other their name, then their age, then choosing a way to say goodbye.

c.  Class Lotto

  • Give pupils a card each with a number on it between 1-20 on it (give out the cards in chronological order - it doesn't matter if you have to repeat numbers so each pupil has one).  
  • Pupils create their own lotto board with 9 numbers from 1-20 on them
  • Pick a pupil.  They have to say, "Bonjour, j'ai...ans" (giving the age that is on their card).
  • Pupils cross off that number if they have it on their board.
  • First pupil to complete their board, jumps up, shouting Lotto.
  • You could also adapt this so that pupils were playing it in small groups.

7.  Days of Week and month of the year (a re-cap from P1)

There are lots of ideas and resources under the P1 tab that could be re-used for consolidation.  Below are some additional ideas.

10 minute lesson ideas 

a.  Écrivez la date en français
  • Pupils write the date in their jotters in French instead of English on a regular basis to help consolidate the numbers, months and days of the week.
b.  Les Pouces (Heads Down Thumbs Up) 
  • The four thumb-putter-downers have a show me board with a month of the year written on it or they can hold a flashcard with an image that represents the month.  
  • Instead of guessing the person's name that put down your thumb, you have to say the correct month that the person is holding. (Can be adapted for any topic.)

c.  Months of the year song:

  • Pupils pass a beachball to one another and have to try to keep the ball in the air for the duration of the song (whilst singing along)!
 d.  Fruit Salad Game (but with months or days of the week)! 
Version 1
  • Stand pupils in a circle, facing inwards. 
  • Pick about 5 different months or days of the week for the game.  
  • Assign one of these days or months to each pupil around the circle.  
  • Call out a day of the week or month of the year e.g. lundi
  • At that point, all the pupils who have been assigned that word must move around the outside of the circle in the same direction.  
  • The last pupil to reach their original space is out of the game and must sit down in his/her space.

Version 2
  • Similar to version 1, with the variation that you try to swap places with pupils with the same word across the circle.  
  • Pupils can take any space of pupil with the same word but they are not allowed back in their original space.
  • The last child to reach a space is out of the game and must sit down in the vacant space.

There are also Flashcards, a wall display, Snap cards and a number of other resources for months of the year under the P1 tab on the homepage.

8.  Culture: Seasons. 
Spring/Easter (resources from tes.co.uk)
a.  Easter mini book to colour in

b.  Easter cards
More templates

c.  Colour by numbers

d.  Easter Bells song
An brief overview about the importance of the Easter Bells in France and a song to sing (to the tune of Jingle Bells).  Resource 


a.  Winter Vocabulary
Winter vocabulary resource (from lightbulblanguages.co.uk)

b.  Christmas in France: a brief overview

c. Happy Christmas
Pupils wish each other Joyeux Noël.  Resource.

d.  Vive le Vent carol (sung to the tune of Jingle Bells)
Youtube video:

9. Animals

10 minute lesson ideas

a.  Chien, Chien, Souris (Dog, dog, mouse - like duck, duck, goose)
  • This game is played with the pupils sitting in a circle.   
  • You start with one pupil walking around the outer edge saying “Chien, chien, ..” then “Souris”.  Whoever the pupil taps on the head and says "Souris" to, has to get up and chase them around the circle.  
  • The winner is the pupil who sits down first or the pupil who tags the other.

b.  Fruit Salad Game (but with animals)! 
Version 1
  • Stand pupils in a circle, facing inwards. 
  • Pick about 5 different animals for the game.  
  • Assign one of these animal names to each pupil around the circle.  
  • Call out the name of an animal e.g. Souris
  • At that point, all the pupils who have been assigned that animal must move around the outside of the circle in the same direction in the style of that animal. 
  • The last pupil to reach their original space is out of the game and must sit down in his/her space.

Version 2
  • Similar to version 1, with the variation that you try to swap places with pupils with the same animal name across the circle.  
  • Pupils can take any other space of an animal of the same name but they are not allowed back in their original space.
  • The last child to reach a space is out of the game and must sit down in the vacant space.

c.  Make a picture
  • This game also revises the numbers.  
  • Pupils move around the room and the teacher calls a number in French from 1-10.  
  • Pupils then have to make a group of that number and sit down as quickly as they can.  
  • The last group to sit down is out.  
  • You can play the game this way as a warm-up.  Then, play the game as before but once the pupils are in their group, ask them to make a group picture of an animal.  
  • Pick a winner based on the most imaginative group that has worked best as a team.  
  • Repeat with different sized groups and a different animal. 
e.  Le Poussin Piou
  • Totally daft, a song where a "poussin" (chick) takes you through all of the different farm animal sounds in French.  
  • There's a PDF to go with it: Poussin Piou PDF 

10.  Animals: "The Tortoise and the Hare"
This could be built up over a series of lessons.
  • As suggested on the BBC website, you could begin by reading a simplified English version of Aesop's fable, "The Tortoise and the Hare".
  • Pupils then watch the clip in French and compare the modern version with the original clip.  Here's the clip in French:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/clips/z7tjmp3
  • In terms of language, they could listen out for:
  • "A vos marques, prêts, partez" - Ready, steady, go (one for their P2 classroom instructions)
  • "Je m'appelle" - My name is....
  • "Je vais faire de mon mieux" - I'm going to do my best
  • "Lentement mais sûrement, on gagne" - Slowly but surely, wins (the race)

11.  Story: "Ours Brun, Dis-moi" (Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Eric Carle)

Resources for this story are under the "Story" tab on the homepage.

12.  Song: "Dans la ferme à Mathurin" (Old MacDonald Had a Farm)


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